Friday, May 18, 2007

Wal-Mart, Trek, and Heroes at the end of the week...

Earlier this week Wal-Mart unleashed a boatload of DVD titles at the low price of $7.50 each. This includes a number of popular titles, including "Clueless", "Aliens", and the SE's of the first four "Star Trek" films. After several months, catching up with the first two "Star Trek" films again on DVD (as of today) has been quite enjoyable - I've missed these guys! I don't know how much longer this deal will last, so get 'em now at this low price before they're gone. Tomorrow it'll be III when I get the oil changed in my car, which leaves only IV. Hopefully they'll roll out the remaining "Trek" titles in time at the same low price...

Speaking of "Trek", Paramount plans to reissue "Star Trek: The Next Generation" on DVD in a complete series box set this September 4, just in time for the series' 20th anniversary. Has it really been 20 years? I can remember sitting in Dale Jewell's house in south Jackson back home in Mississippi checking out the preview reel and the behind-the-scenes promotional reel... not to mention choosing between checking out the two-hour premiere and dancing the night away with Laura Ann King at an off-campus swap.... the memories it brings back.

I have no idea what Paramount plans to include in the complete TNG box set, whether it will simply be a repackage of all seven existing DVD season sets, or if they'll include some all-new extras. We'll see in the coming weeks. (They should do likewise for the other series!) All I know is that I hope to have a review in September, which I can promise will be more emotional and reflective than usual.

I've been hearing about this series "Heroes" that started last fall on NBC and is coming out toward the end of August on DVD. Being a fan of the "Superman", "Batman", and "Spider-Man" films, and also having seen the "X-Men" trilogy, naturally, this series intrigues me. I may have to check it out. Thoughts?

Next go-around I'll have a review of a big DVD title, one I'm surprised other websites haven't thought of reviewing at all. I guarantee you this... it'll be my longest one to date. And then I'll follow it up with the first installment of a series of blogs on the "Superman" Ultimate Collector's Edition, which will return to stores May 29th.

Have a great weekend, everyone out there! And feel free to post your thoughts on anything and everything I've shared thus far. I'd love to hear from you out there. Later!

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