Thursday, April 10, 2008

Somewhere in transition...

I wish I had better and more enjoyable news to share with you, but this is much more serious than any DVD review commentary I could ever do...

April and I have separated.

Things finally reached the breaking point with us because of her mother's repeated accusations of reproach, passing it down to my daughter Lily, not actively job searching when in fact I had been looking for better work to take care of my family, and one repeated accusation after another that I know in the bottom of my heart and spirit are completely false and inaccurate. And instead of standing with me, as she should have, April chose to believe the lies and spin her mother was creating just to get me out of the house. Needless to say, this has hurt me more than anything in my life, more than even my dad's death.

Right now I have relocated back to Mississippi to get the pieces of my life back together into some form. This means looking for work here and doing what I can to bring Lily here to live with me. April had said on Tuesday, if not on multiple occasions, that I could bring Lily to live with me and my mother. But when I left on Tuesday, I had no more room in the car for anything, much less my three-year-old daughter.

So now I'm having to start all over, look for a new job, and do all I can to get Lily out of Alabama. My mother has said that Lily shouldn't be without her mother, but right now she's without her father. Which is the lesser of the two evils? I have no idea.

I don't know when I'll be back on to report on new DVD releases. Right now my main focus is getting my life back together and being with my daughter again.

This hurts like hell... no, worse than hell itself. And all I can do is cry and mourn.

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