Saturday, April 26, 2008

Something amiss here...

I just noticed this on my copy of The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, Volume 2: The War Years. Does that documentary "Colonel Lawrence's War" on Disc 8 look awfully familiar? It should - that's because it was included on the first disc of Volume 1: The Early Years!

You would have thought that somewhere along the way during the review process, the QA people at Lucasfilm and/or CBS/Paramount Video would have picked up on the fact that the same documentary was included in Volumes 1 and 2! But it went by completely unnoticed, and so the same documentary appears twice across two sets! Is there any more overlapping between the three sets, in terms of duplicating the same documentaries, that we should be aware of? I certainly hope not...

BTW, I've just started into the documentaries for Volume 3 and have gotten thus far with the docs on Disc 1. Really informative information on Ernest Hemingway, Lowell Thomas, and Edith Wharton. I only wish that somewhere along the way they could have included a little teaser for the fourth Indiana Jones feature film, though I'm thinking it'll be included on the upcoming reissues of the first three films.

For some unusual reason I have yet to receive my review copy of Battlestar Galactica, Season 3. I've requested it for review here and on like only three times (or is it four?), and I've not received it at all. Why? I've missed the entire third season, and already I'm in the middle of watching the latest fourth season episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel. That just really chaffs my hide for some reason.

Now that I'm back in Mississippi, I can now start looking at picking up all, if not as many, of the Star Trek DVDs, books, and comics that April made me throw out of the house back in 2006, not to mention all of the Star Wars and BSG DVDs as well. Thank goodness I got back here with all of the Superman and Indiana Jones DVDs intact! I've got a contact here who said he would help me track down as many of the ST comics as possible. Again, I don't know how many of them I can find and locate, or how long it'll take, if I can ever get them completely replaced again. All that matters right now is getting back on my feet with a good job and getting back to Alabama long enough to get my daughter relocated to Mississippi so she and I can be together again.

Oh, and I'm finally getting ahold of the Blade Runner Ultimate Collector's Edition! I missed out on it this past Christmas when it came out, but I should be getting it soon. Now I'll be able to check out all five of the different editions, especially the final cut and the treasured work print version that I've heard much about. I wish I had come back with my DVD+R recorder, though. Oh well, the next return trip I'll see to it.

Separation sucks, especially when there's children involved.

1 comment:

capedwonder said...

Bill, Please call me at 775.530.0053 and let's talk. Let's get back to how things were before. Appreciate it!

Jim Bowers