Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Young Indy glitch, Razor, and Thanksgiving...

Okay, so I know last time that I promised you the second part of my "Young Indiana Jones" review. I had it all written out, stored on disc, and ready to post. But somehow along the way to posting the review, for some unusual reason the computer would not read my file at all, and it came out looking like symbolic gibberish. You know how recently in Superman lore how sometimes they revert to those unusual Kryptonian symbols to replace dialog? That's how the remains of my text looked. Why it did that, I have no idea. Can we honestly say that the computer ate my homework? (It wouldn't be the first time that happened!) Unfortunately, that means having to rewrite my entire review from scratch - ugh! That means pushing back the second part of my review until sometime next week, I don't know when. But I promise, once it's rewritten, I'll have it posted for you, along with the third part of my review.

In the meantime, I just received my review copy of the upcoming Universal DVD release of "Battlestar Galactica: Razor". The TV movie is set to premiere this Friday on the Sci-Fi Channel, and the unrated extended DVD will hit stores Tuesday, December 4th. But I've got my copy in hand right now, even before the movie has premiered! It's got running audio commentary with series creator Ronald D. Moore, three and a half minutes of deleted scenes, 19 minutes of mini episodes, two featurettes, and two previews for the upcoming fourth (and unfortunately final) season set for premiere next year, among the bonus features. This will make the first BSG review I'll be working on in about a year, so hopefully I'll have shaken off the ring rust enough to do a good review (which will simultaneously appear on as well). Look for it coming soon!

Well, this will make the last time I'll be able to blog for the rest of the week because of Thanksgiving holidays. Stay safe, don't spend too much money on gasoline (it's already too high enough as it is!), and don't eat too much turkey, ham, and dressing (like that'll happen!). If you're in the Alabama area, look for the Albertville High School band in Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade tomorrow! And Guntersville moves into the third round of the Division 4 football playoffs against Brooks this Friday night - go, Marshall County!

See you again soon!

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