Saturday, October 6, 2007

A bit of a delay...

Sorry I haven't been able to post any new reviews in the last several days. Sometimes, when you get an unexpected curveball thrown at you in your life, there's not much else you can do except deal with things one day at a time. Rest assured, I'll be back with more full-length reviews as soon as my time permits.

In the meantime, I've just gotten a review copy of the upcoming DVD release of this past summer's box-office blockbuster, "Transformers". Guys and gals, if you enjoyed the original series, you'll more than likely enjoy this movie. Word is that Michael Bay is planning an Imax version of the film with even more exclusive footage than in the original theatrical or DVD releases (what's up with that?), so if you live near an Imax theater, be sure to check it out soon.

Be sure to check out the new animated version of "The Ten Commandments" coming to theaters in the next week or two! My wife and I saw the preview trailer for this on TBN last night, and I have to say I was impressed with it! Think of "The Prince of Egypt" with "Shrek"-like animation.

And the good people at have posted specs for the second "Young Indiana Jones" set, entitled "The War Years", set to come out December 18th. Looks like Christmas is going to be sweet for DVD fans! I hope I'm able to enjoy as well - we'll see.

And that's all from my neck of the woods at this time. Take care, and I'll see you again soon!

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