Friday, June 8, 2007

Miscellaneous musings at the end of the week...

About a week ago I managed to find the HBO Video 2002 DVD release of "Above Suspicion", with the late Christopher Reeve, at a discount store for all of three bucks! It's really hard watching this film now, knowing that this was shown at the same time as Chris' tragic accident. Still, finding this for only three dollars is a deal indeed! I hope I'm as lucky in finding the rest of Chris' films on DVD (or VHS) down the road.

Which reminds me... Question to Warner Home Video: When's "In the Gloaming" coming out? This is the second year in a row that The Digital Bits has announced it, yet it's not on DVD. It's been 10 years since this excellent film, which marked Chris' directorial debut, premiered on HBO. Somebody needs to get on the stick about it.

The guys at confirmed some time back the release of "Young Indiana Jones" on DVD by the end of this year, in time for Christmas and several months before the release of the fourth film with Harrison Ford. While that's good news for many, it still bums me out because these will be the 22 re-edited movie versions with additional footage, completely neglecting the original TV broadcast versions of many of these episodes featuring actor George Hall as an elderly Indy in the opening and closing bookend segments. That includes the first telecast from 1992, "Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Jackal", with three incarnations of Indy; the original broadcast version of "Travels with Father" (with the Sean Patrick Flanery footage ported over to the second half of the re-edited "Winds of Change"); and numerous other changes throughout the series. (And for those of you keeping track, the second half of "Passion for Life" chronologically occurs in 1908, before the first half, set in 1909, though George Lucas reversed the order for the re-edited version.) And yet, (the official Lucasfilm web site for Indy) references all of the original adventures! For that matter, there's no word on whether or not Flanery's screen test (which was included on one of the 1999 VHS releases) will be included in its entirety on the DVD set. Luca$ apparently has no respect for our memories. Better hold onto those original TV broadcasts, because they won't be on the big DVD set apparently. And while you're at it, let Luca$ know your thoughts about it.

I'm kind of wondering about that big "Star Trek: The Next Generation" complete box set coming out in September just in time for the series' 20th anniversary. Like the MASH "Martinis and Medicine" box set, will it have some exclusive extras to it - maybe, perhaps, the bonus DVD features that were included on the Best Buy bonus discs for seasons 4-7? Maybe the text commentaries from the different "Fan Collective" sets? "From Here to Infinity: The Ultimate Voyage", on the Jean-Luc Picard Collection a few years back? Maybe even some new features, like hidden Easter eggs, deleted scenes (yes, there are some out there for TNG!), more outtakes, the Patrick Stewart A&E Biography, the "Journey's End" special from 1994 (which has never been issued on DVD), episode trailers? Who knows? Maybe like the MASH box set, they'll throw in the four TNG feature films (hopefully with all of the bonus features). In any event, this is one set worth keeping an eye on, not to mention getting as an early birthday present! (Hint hint out there!)

For that matter, will Paramount do likewise for the other "Star Trek" series - issue them in new complete series box set with all-new extras? More documentaries, deleted scenes, outtakes, bloopers, episode trailers, etc.? Time will only tell. Maybe by then we can see the recent remastered versions of "Trek" classic (with all those neat new CGI effects) on DVD as well. Hey, some of us (like me) don't have cable or TiVo!

And that's a wrap for this week! Next time I'll get back to continuing my commentary on the "Superman" Ultimate Collector's Edition with a look at the "Superman III" Deluxe Edition. See you then!

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